Talks Formats and Attendee Tips

This edition is focused on facilitating interaction among the Speakers. As you know, presentations are going to be given in one of the three formats outlined below :

Walking Talks (WT):
A format to (i) increase participants' interactions in small groups, (ii) enjoy the city center outside of the cinema complex, and (iii) work collectively on the synthesis process at the core of the Conference Outputs.
With this in mind...
For Speakers who will prepare a Walking Talk: please be imaginative and bring whatever you need for your talk; printed or blank paper, a tablet ...
Each group will have 5 Speakers presenting Walking Talks, and will include as group members 10 Speakers from Room Talks and 10 Speakers from Poster Talks, for a total of 25 Speakers participating per group. As part of this, each group will have 2 chairpersons serving as group coordinators.

For the 90' Walking Talk Sessions on the first 3 days (Sept. 23+24+25), each group will determine its preferred way to listen to 2 Walking Talks, visit 3 Posters, and integrate 2 Room Talks into their discussions. For these first 3 days, the group members will remain the same for each group. The Walking Talk group member composition will be available prior to the conference :)

Room Talks (RT):
Room Talk Sessions will be running in parallel in 3 rooms: Ostrom, Margulis, and Meadows.
There will be 5 speakers per session. Each speaker will have 7'-10' to present, and there will be 2'-5' for questions.
Speakers will need to have their presentation slides in ".pdf" format (and only in .pdf);
on September 17th we will share a link where speakers can Upload the .pdf of their slides prior to their talk.

Poster Talks (PT):
Each poster should be printed in A0 size (84,1 cm * 118,9cm) in portrait orientation (and only in portrait).
Posters will be accessible from 9h to 19h, with special attention during the Poster Sessions and the Walking Talks Sessions.
You can hang up your poster from day 1 (Sept. 23rd) to day 5 (Sept. 27th).
Each poster's exact location will be shared in a detailed map prior to the conference.
MICRO 2024 will be held in Arrecife's bustling city center,
in the Atlántida Cinema complex by the Charco de San Ginés in the heart of Arrecife.

Attendees: We strongly suggest you book your travel and accommodations as soon as you can.
The sooner you
make your reservations the more options you will have to be within walking distance to the Charco de San Ginés (Atlántida Cinema complex).

Please note that All participants must register by 20 June 2024 : Registration is mandatory for anyone wishing to participate.
The registered participants list is shared publicly on the conference website.

As you know from the Home Page, the Road to MICRO 2024 Calendar is now set ;)

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